Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Find out what the most recent research says on COVID-19 and its potential effects on arthritis patients.

COVID-19 is brought on by SARS-CoV-2. Due to their underlying medical condition, people with arthritis may be concerned about their chance of getting COVID-19. Experts are still unsure of how COVID-19 might differ for those with arthritis from the general population. However, it seems that those who have autoimmune or inflammatory arthritis may be more susceptible to the infection and experience more severe symptoms than other people.

COVID-19 impact on arthritis patients:

The precise effects of COVID-19 on arthritis patients are unknown to researchers and medical professionals.

The effects of the virus on persons who already have health issues are still being studied by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other groups. Due to impaired immune function, individuals with autoimmune or inflammatory arthritis typically have an increased risk of infections. The risk of coronavirus infection in children with arthritis may depend on the disease activity, the organs involved, and the degree of immune system suppression.

According to some studies, RA patients may be more susceptible to infection since their immune systems are compromised. This is common in autoimmune diseases like RA. These persons might also be taking drugs that have an impact on immune system health. This could raise their risk of contracting illness.

Additional risk factors include various underlying illnesses like diabetes or heart disease.

People with arthritis are more at risk from COVID-19:

It appears that individuals with autoimmune or inflammatory arthritis may be more susceptible to infection or severe COVID-19 symptoms. But there is not yet sufficient evidence to support this.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), using COVID-19 increases the risk of developing a serious disease due to immune system-weakening illnesses or drugs.

Additional bacterial infections and other potential consequences that may arise from the initial viral infection should be the main concerns for people with autoimmune disorders infected with COVID-19.

In general, severe viral infections are more likely to affect those who use immunosuppressive drugs such biologics or corticosteroids. Immunosuppressive drug users who experience flu-like symptoms should contact their doctor right once.

Immunosuppressive therapies are normally not advised for patients with active infections. Although the possibility of disease flare-ups should also be taken into account. By speaking with their doctor, a patient can decide whether to continue taking their prescription, taper it, or stop altogether.

Patients who use immunosuppressive medications should talk to their doctor about their choices. In some circumstances, the potential advantages of ceasing medication may be outweighed by the risk of arthritic flares.

It’s crucial that people don’t change their medication’s dosage or stop taking it without first consulting a doctor.

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