Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Postpartum depression in men is very real yet widely ignored

According to recent studies, men too experience postpartum depression but their condition is frequently disregarded.

The term “depression” refers to a mood disorder. It might be characterised as melancholy, grief, or rage that interferes with daily tasks.

Depression manifests itself differently for each person. Your everyday tasks could be hampered, resulting in lost time and decreased production. Relationships and some chronic medical disorders may also be affected.

Depression can affect both men and women, but the symptoms might vary greatly. Families, friends, and even doctors may not always recognise the anger or aggression as depression symptoms in men since they may look to be furious or aggressive rather than sad. Men are also less likely than women to identify depression, discuss it, and seek therapy for it. Yet a lot of males experience depression.

One in ten new dads may have male postpartum depression, as per studies.

Women’s postpartum depression is linked to detrimental consequences on both maternal health and the development of their offspring. It is yet unknown whether depression in men has similar hazards.

According to the US CDC, this is not the same as what is typically referred to as “the baby blues.” The symptoms of postpartum depression are more severe and persistent. An extended time of concern, sadness, and weariness may be experienced by someone who has postpartum depression.

Depression and postpartum anxiety are frequent co-occurring disorders. Dads who have never had children may be particularly susceptible to male postpartum depression. It’s possible that male postpartum depression doesn’t always show symptoms right away. This might progress over the course of a year or so.


Male postpartum depression may have a number of causes.

Pregnancy causes changes in female hormones. However, a 2017 study found that men may have reduced testosterone levels when their spouse is pregnant. Low testosterone levels in men may be associated with depression, suggesting that this reduction may be psychological in origin.

During the perinatal and postnatal period, men’s oestrogen, cortisol, vasopressin, and prolactin levels may also fluctuate.

Fathers may occasionally feel distant from their newborn children. This is especially true for males who spend a lot of time apart from the child since they are not dating the child’s other parent.

Being a parent can sometimes be too much for someone. Depression may result from these emotions.


Conversation therapy may be helpful for someone suffering from depression.

There are numerous varieties of therapy. These include couples therapy, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The location of therapists that people can access may be recommended by doctors. Additionally, a person might want to think about joining a support group. There, people can connect with others going through a similar experience and exchange coping skills.

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