Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

We may be able to tackle cataract using a healthy diet

One in six Americans aged 40 and older has cataracts.

Cataracts are thick, hazy regions that grow in the lens of the eye. Protein aggregates that prevent the creation of clear images are what create cataracts. Signals are created on the retina from light that enters the eye through the lens. The optic nerve receives the information from the retina and transfers them to the brain.

Over time, cataracts progressively grow and impair your eyesight. Although both of your eyes can develop cataracts, they often do not do so at the same time.

Cataracts are more common in older adults. Because of hormonal changes brought on by menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, women are particularly vulnerable to cataracts and other eye disorders.

Cataracts may affect your life quality

Age-related cataract development is a possibility, as are other risk factors like uncontrolled diabetes and blood pressure. Over time, deposits of specific fats and proteins cause the lenses in your eyes to become opaque or foggy. Vision becomes hazy as a result of this.

Cataracts are the main reason for blindness in the entire world. Studies have shown that a good diet can help reduce the risk of cataracts even if there is presently no non-surgical treatment for cataracts.

The following are typical signs of cataracts:

  • Night vision issues
  • Distorted vision
  • Sensitive to light and glare
  • The colours seem faded
  • Halos around the lights
  • Vision in the damaged eye is double
  • The necessity for frequent lens or prescription changes

It’s critical to comprehend the potential causes of cataracts. The average age at which cataracts start to form is around 40. After the age of 60, the symptoms are most likely to manifest. Typically, cataracts are not evident at birth.

What foods should you eat and what should you stay away from? Despite what might seem contradictory, it is possible to eat your way to better eye health since certain foods include nutrients that might lower your chance of developing eye conditions and losing your sight. Many meals can enhance the health of your eyes, however leafy greens and carrots are widely known for their benefits.

Similar to how certain meals can keep your eyes healthy, there are also foods that can exacerbate cataracts and harm both the general health of your body and eyes.

Therefore, it’s crucial to know which foods to include in your diet and which to exclude.

Diet can help reduce the risk of cataracts

  • Seafood:

Because omega-3 fatty acids from fish have been associated with a lower risk of eye disease, they can minimise the likelihood of developing cataracts. Every week, you should eat two servings of cold-water seafood like tuna, salmon, and sardines. If you don’t like fish, you can take fish oil supplements.

  • Nuts and seeds:

The antioxidant vitamin E present in nuts and seeds guards against free radical damage to the membranes of eye cells. Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, and sunflower seeds are among the nuts that can help with eye health.

  • Carrots:

Nearly everyone is aware of how beneficial carrots are for the eyes. It contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two beta-carotenes that the body uses to make vitamin A. Carrots are beneficial for your eyes overall and can help prevent several eye conditions.

  • Fruits and vegetables:

The carotenoids in colourful fruits and vegetables provide the yellow, red, and orange colours. These foods are typically consumed raw, but for the most health advantages, they must first be boiled or baked. Carotenoids like beta carotene and vitamin A, which are excellent for your eyes, can be found in cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins. Choose a fruit or vegetable for every colour of the rainbow while shopping at the grocery store.

  • Whole grains:

Those who eat more whole grains have a lower risk of developing cataracts. One more advantage of whole grains is a decreased risk of age-related macular degeneration. Incorporate whole-grain meals in your diet, such as quinoa, brown rice, whole oats, pasta made from whole grains, and bread.

  • Citrus Fruits:

Oranges and other citrus fruits like guava, amla, etc. contain vitamin C, which supports the maintenance of healthy blood vessels. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps the body fight off inflammatory and degenerative eye disorders.

By Parvathy Sukumaran

Parvathy Sukumaran is a Content Creator and Editor at JustCare Health. She is an Educator and a Language Lecturer. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education and an M.A in English Literature. She is passionate about writing, archaeology, music and cooking.

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