Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Protein, released during exercise, lowers the risk of colon cancer

With 11% of all new cancer cases, bowel cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer in the UK. 

In the UK, over 120 people are diagnosed with the condition every day or about 42,900 people annually.

Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a protein that fights cancer, is released into the bloodstream as a result of physical activity, according to research from Newcastle University that was published in the International Journal of Cancer.

IL-6 aids in the repair of damaged cell DNA, which helps fight against life-threatening diseases like bowel cancer and may aid in the development of future treatments. Proof-of-principle research was conducted with 16 people aged 50 to 80 who all had bowel cancer risk factors like an inactive lifestyle or obesity. A second blood sample was collected right away after the participants’ 30-minute moderate-intensity indoor cycling activity, after which the participants’ blood samples were again taken. On a day of rest, distinct blood samples were collected as a control.

The researchers found that regular exercise over an extended period gives cancer-fighting chemicals like IL-6 released into the bloodstream the chance to interact with aberrant cells, correcting their DNA and slowing the spread of cancer. Researchers collected additional blood samples on different days before and after the subjects had rested as a control measure.

The results of tests to determine if exercise changed the concentration of cancer-fighting proteins in the blood relative to samples taken at rest revealed an increase in the protein IL-6. In a lab, colon cancer cells were given the blood samples, and scientists watched the growth of the cells for 48 hours. They discovered that blood samples taken immediately after exercise inhibited the growth of cancer cells in comparison to samples taken at rest.

In addition, the exercise blood samples decreased the amount of DNA damage in addition to cancer growth, indicating that physical activity can repair cells to form a genetically stable cell type.

The risk is thought to be reduced by physical activity by about 20%. You can do it by attending the gym, participating in sports, or traveling actively to work by walking or biking. You can also do it while working on household chores like gardening or cleaning.

It’s important to note that leading a more active lifestyle can also lower your risk of developing other types of cancer. Higher levels of exercise are associated with a lower chance of acquiring other malignancies, such as endometrial and breast cancer.

By Editor

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