Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Homes close to greenery lower the chance of having a stroke by 16 percent

Greenery and natural places can be beneficial to one's health in a variety of ways. They can alleviate stress, provide areas for individuals to exercise, and protect mental health. 

According to a new study, living within 300 meters of a green space reduces the risk of ischemic stroke, the most common form of cerebrovascular event, by up to 16%. There appears to be an effect on the likelihood of cerebrovascular issues as well.

The information comes from a Spanish global healthcare system that covers more than 3.5 million persons who had not had a stroke when the study began. Exposure to three contaminants in the atmosphere associated to automobile traffic.

The researchers looked at the influence of particulate matter under 2.5 microns (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and soot particles at each of the people they studied homes. Given that the disease’s incidence, death, and disability are expected to rise in the coming years, it’s critical to understand all of the risk factors involved.

Previous research by the same group had established a link between parameters like soot or noise levels and the chance of having a stroke and the severity of the stroke. All of these things can cause a stroke.

Even after controlling for socioeconomic characteristics, age, and smoking behaviors, the links between stroke risk, green space, and pollution remained, implying that living in cities comes at a cost in terms of our health.

Greater research could be conducted to determine why more green space in a given location appears to reduce the incidence of stroke in residents.

The researchers also advocated for changes to the legislation governing the permissible amounts of pollution in cities. This study could be beneficial to the future of urban planning as well as those who are at risk of stroke and other health problems.

By Editor

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