Mon. Sep 9th, 2024
A recent UK study found that the use of all hormonal contraceptives is marginally related with an increased risk of breast cancer.

A recent study found that the use of all hormonal contraceptives is lightly increased risk of breast cancer. Regardless of the method of delivery, the team discovered a relative increase in breast cancer risk of 20 to 30% related with both combination and progestogen-only contraceptives.

Although progestin-only birth control pills are a popular hormonal contraceptive, nothing is known about their potential link to breast cancer risk. Researchers recently looked into the relationship between breast cancer risk and the usage of hormonal contraceptives.

The study was published in the journal PLOS Medicine.

What the research found

The University of Oxford researchers in the UK and their associates discovered that a 15-year absolute excess incidence is only at most 265 instances per 100,000 users. According to the findings, using oral combination contraceptives or progestagen-only contraceptives within the recent year or two is associated with a relative increase in breast cancer risk of 20% to 30%.

There is limited information about the impact of progestogen-only contraceptives, the researchers noted, although use of combined oral contraceptives, which contain both oestrogen and progestogen hormones, has previously been linked to a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer.

Investigators discovered that using progestin-only contraceptives raises breast cancer risk in a manner similar to using both types of contraceptives. Doctors should consider the advantages and disadvantages of patients using hormonal contraceptives.

According to experts, the results are generally consistent with known hazards, which are often minor.


This study provides important new evidence that current or recent use of progestagen-only contraceptives is associated with a slight increase in breast cancer risk. This association does not appear to be mode of delivery specific and is of a magnitude comparable to that associated with combined hormonal contraceptives.

The absolute excess risk associated with using any form of oral contraceptive is thought to be lower in women who take them while they are younger rather than older because the underlying risk of breast cancer rises with age.

Contraceptive use during the reproductive years has advantages that must be weighed against these hazards.

By Editor

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